Lhotzky und Partner Hydrostatische Linienvermessung

Settlement survey

Lhotzky und Partner Projektmanagement


Lhotzky und Partner Umweltgutachten - Sanierungspläne

Environmental expertises /
Remediation strategies

Lhotzky und Partner Baumesstechnik

Geostructural monitoring

Lhotzky und Partner Health & Safety - SSC

Health & Safety – SSC

Lhotzky und Partner Umwelttechnik

Environmental engineering

The company

Multidisciplinary engineering services by an experienced team

Our passion:
planning, remediation, measurement

The Lhotzky and Partners engineering company under the leadership of the founders Klaus Nolting and Karsten Schrader designs, plans, manages and accompanies numerous major projects and construction sites, both in Germany and in other European countries.

All for one –
and one for all

Benefit from the know-how of a well-coordinated team of computer scientists, geographers, civil engineers, developers, geologists and electrical engineers for your success. And thus you talk over everything through one contact person, your personal contact.

Experienced expert partner
for small and large projects

We love our reputation as a reliable competent and flexible specialist partner, that we worked hard for in construction-, remediation- and monitoring-projects since 1990. To extend this reputation with our small business, corporate and public authority clients is our daily incentive.

Reference projects / presentations

Lhotzky and partner Groundwater remediation at a petrol station site: Endladung der Grundwassersanierungsanlage/-komponenten vom Tieflader
Lhotzky and partner remediation of remains by air sparging: Area with air sparging injection lances and supply container
Lhotzky und Partner Ausbau Erdtank
Lhotzky and Partner: Separation of concrete and reinforcing steel
Lhotzky and Partner Monitoring at a gasometric station construction site: Installation of the measuring hose in tight loops to detect a possible tilting or nonuniform settlement of the gasomertic station

Lhotzky and Partners engineering company in the North

… and from Braunschweig for you throughout Germany and Europe.

© OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende: Lhotzky und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft von Braunschweig aus im Nordeuropa tätig